Having a good day everyone?
I hope you all do.
I shall introduce myself, My name is Jack , 24 years old , full time student of Temasek Polytechnic year 2.2 and my faculty is Diploma in Facilities Design and Management. I would consider myself lacking behind time as I compare myself to my circle of friends as they were already making "Money" and building their career while I would only be a diploma graduate when I turn 26. I knew I had to do something to solve this problem of mine! I need something which had time flexibility and high profit makings. The industry that fulfills my criteria is "Real Estate".
I consulted my friends whom are in the industry and I decided to join DennisWee Group. I was recommended by Daniel and he was an Associate Director. He convinces me that they provide very professional training to educate me on Real Estate and he would personally trains and guides me along the way.
After graduated from my 1 month course during my school holidays, I was eager and looking forward for my 1st deal. I have to create opportunities thus I do cold-calls, distributing name cards, post advertisement online and papers.
On 28 September 2008, I receive a call and it was my friend who is selling his HDB flat at Sengkang and I immediately arrange for an appointment that evening. Me and Daniel went to the house to understand his financial status and did a presentation to educate him the advantages of engaging an agent. He trusted our sincere services and sign an sole exclusive with us.
***Exclusive is a contract between the seller and the agent. It give the agent the sole rights to market the house. The advantages of engaging an agent saves you the hassles of answering so many phone calls from agents and direct buyers. Your Agent will also protect your reserve price in selling the flat and handles all procedural forms of work smoothly.
to be continue...
nice picture....
Very insightful. Interesting profession you have there. Cheers.
Interesting blog..If were to buy a house, I will look for you. :P
We have an agent in this class.
all the best achieving ur career!
Guys ,Thanks for all your support !
Feel free to check out any issues relating to your prooperties with me,I will be willing to be at your service!
Hello. Nice blog. I learnt more about real estate agents from your blog. Just curious, are there any standard procedures with regards to dealing with last minute cancellations of purchases? I observe that, with the current economical problems, many people tend to change their minds at the last minute.. Wouldn't that be rather distressing for real estate agents?
Very enterprising of you! Do remember to balance studies and work.
While your personal and conversational writing style works fine, I'm sure many of us are looking to your blog to 'educate' us more on the world of real estate and real estate agents!
Oh, your link doesn't seem to be working. You may want to check it.
Hi jensen
regarding yoru question is yes , they may withdraw but penalties will be incurred. There will be 2 situation.
1st situation(Option to Purchase)
They sign option to purchase(a Contract)
Buyer can back out but they lose their deposits(Max $1000)
Seller cannot back out or sell to another buyer who can offer higher price.
2nd situation (excercise option)
Buyer had sign Excercise Option(a Contract)
Both seller and buyer cannnot withdraw anymore. If either parties chooses to withdraw, they may ended up in lawsuit or compensation.
This is due to either party has sold off their house and agree to transact on this house. So if this transaction is void, one party has no house to stay in.
Hope I answer your question.
Hi newmediascapes
I tried to change the link quite a few times on the Denniswee Group and it cannot works.
You may want to go directly to this website at www.denniswee.com
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